Wednesday 26 March 2008

Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday ....

I hate trying to sell my house!! At the moment I'm sitting amongst toys and washing knowing I should get up off my backside to get straight 'just incase' I get a phonecall for a viewing!! Well phonecall or not .. no viewings today thankyou as I need my computer fix to keep me sane :)

Well last night I sat and browsed through an amazing site called DeviantArt (link is over there somewhere >>>> ) the photography and digi work on there is great (as well as some being rather scary - say no more about the artistic nude section!) and it's really got me back into thinking about photography, I really desperately want to start taking some great shots and even start properly on the digi front instead of just playing here and there. My problem is I see things in my mind as an end result but can never actually get there :(

I also found my tattoo on that site - should be having it next week and I'm soooooo excited!! Went last night to pick up the final designs but they weren't quite ready so got to go back on thursday YEY!!

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