Wednesday 13 February 2008

MY OP!! - 07.02.08

As I'm completly paronoid about having a huge scar across my throat I thought I would take photos along the way as in 6 weeks I can look back a say WOW it looks so good now ...... thats what I'm hoping anyway :(

This is my tumor before my op (after they drew on me!!) It was taken on my phone in the hospital loo so there not great photos!!

The operation took 3 hours instead of the scheduled 1 hour as the tumor had imbedded itself into my main artery which they didn't know until I was on the table, the left part of my thyroid was removed with it as it had completly covered it. This was about an hour after I came around and woddled to the toilet as needed to see what it looked like. The drain was in at this stage.

My drip decided to go wrong and fill my hand with fluid it over doubled in size (again I ran to the loo to take photos!! LOL!)

This is the day after, I still had no voice as the tumor had grown onto my vocal cords too but fortunately they managed to separate it but it meant I was left without a voice for 3 days (J was pleased!!)

Today I had my 'tape' taken off and saw my scar for the first time :(


Kae said...

Why do I think Ripper victim here?... My weird mind... The scar looks actually quite 'good' IYKWIM. Had to giggle reading about your 'loo trips' lol. (Sorry, shouldn't laugh... I know :( I'm terrible).
Anyway, BIO OIL!!! You'll be good as new... you're gorgeous anyway :)

Loves ya

jules said...

Jenn...I guess I have missed out on your tumor. I read your blog cause of HSMS.
I had the same operation due to tumors in my neck/thyroid/parathyroid/vocal cords, etc. Its been 3-1/2 years.
I went out to lunch for my birthday 4 days after surgery...and I was worried I would scare small children. Our server noticed my raspy voice before she noticed my incision. I didnt have it covered...I was just swollen and red. Now, the other people that notice mine are those who have the same scar. welcome to the club!!! yuk.
glad everything went well for you.